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The Doctor's Runaway Bride Page 6
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Page 6
‘You have no reason to be jealous,’ he told her, carefully ignoring her comment about Italians.
She slid into the car and waited for him to start the engine.
‘When you are angry, your eyes turn a very interesting shade of green,’ Luca observed mildly, pulling out of the car park and onto the main road. ‘I noticed it the first night we met when I made the mistake of trying to tell you that you shouldn’t be hanging around a bus station at night.’
‘I shouted at you, didn’t I?’ Tia shot him a sideways look that bordered on the apologetic. ‘I’m not very good at being told what to do,’ she confessed grudgingly, and he gave a laugh of genuine amusement.
‘So I am beginning to learn.’ An unbearably sexy smile tugged at the corner of his mouth as he glanced towards her. ‘It certainly makes for an interesting and unpredictable relationship, cara mia.’
But did they have a relationship?
Tia got ready to argue but found she didn’t have the energy. She shouldn’t have agreed to help out by working the extra hours.
Maybe if she closed her eyes for just a few minutes she’d have enough energy to deal with Luca once they arrived home.
She had a feeling she was going to need it.
WHEN Tia opened her eyes again she was lying on the sofa with a blanket tucked around her.
‘So you’re finally awake.’ Luca placed a mug of tea on the low table next to her and sat down on the end of the sofa. ‘I must admit you’re scintillating company when you’re pregnant.’
She struggled to sit up, feeling decidedly groggy and disorientated. She had no recollection of how she’d got into the house. ‘Did I sleep in the car?’
‘Like a dead person,’ Luca said dryly, his eyes scanning her quickly. ‘Collapsing on me seems to be becoming a habit. It’s a good job you don’t weigh very much.’
Which was nonsense, she knew. Luca was incredibly strong and athletic—more than capable of lifting someone twice her weight.
‘I’m sorry,’ she mumbled, wishing that he wasn’t sitting quite so close to her. She could see the taut muscle of his thigh under the material of his trousers and her throat closed.
She wanted him so badly it was almost a physical ache.
How could she still want a man who was in love with another woman? How could she still want a man who had kept such an enormous secret from her? How could she be in love with someone whose view of women seemed to be firmly set in the Stone Age?
Their eyes met and held and she felt her heart rate increase alarmingly. Then Luca stood up suddenly, his voice rough.
‘I’ve made you something to eat.’ He strode back into the kitchen and returned carrying a tray.
Tia stared in disbelief at the strange mass on the plate. ‘Wh-what is it?’
He followed her gaze and shifted slightly. ‘It’s an omelette,’ he said stiffly. ‘I couldn’t find a recipe book.’
A recipe book? For an omelette?
Staggered that he’d tried to cook something for her, Tia hid a smile, knowing that his male pride was at stake. After all, it wasn’t entirely his fault that he was so undomesticated. From what she’d seen, it was his upbringing.
Whenever they’d stayed with Luca’s family she had been appalled by the way they waited on him. No matter that Luca’s sisters were both intelligent, they seemed not to question their role in nurturing their brother and Tia had spent more time holding a teatowel than a conversation.
But here he was, cooking for her. Or at least trying to!
She picked up a fork and started to eat.
‘Does it taste all right?’ His need for reassurance was so unlike Luca that she almost dropped the fork.
Was this really the same arrogant, self-assured man she’d known in Italy? It was the first time she’d ever witnessed him express doubt about anything. Was he really seeking her approval for something as simple as an omelette?
‘It tastes great,’ she said finally, unable to resist teasing him slightly. ‘Better than it looks.’
After a moment’s hesitation he returned the smile, his cheeks creasing in the way that made her heart stop. Luca Zattoni was without doubt the sexiest man she’d ever seen, and no matter what he did she would probably always want him.
The thought effectively removed her appetite and she put the fork down on the plate with a clatter and a shake of her head.
‘I’m sorry, Luca, but I’m not really hungry,’ she said quietly, her eyes sliding away from his. ‘It isn’t your omelette—really. It’s…nice and I’m grateful to you but…’
He watched her steadily and for a wild, uncomfortable moment she thought he must have guessed the reason for her sudden lack of appetite. But he merely removed the plate without comment, shifting slightly on the sofa so that he was facing her.
‘In that case, this is as good a time as any to finish our talk. You’ve had a sleep, so hopefully we should manage it without you being sick or passing out.’
There was still a trace of humour in his voice but this time Tia didn’t respond. Suddenly she did feel sick—but with misery.
What was she going to do? She’d thought that it would be easy to get over him. That he wouldn’t affect her any more. But it just wasn’t the case. One look—one smile—and she had serious trouble with her breathing.
She bit her lip, angry with herself. How had she ever let one man affect her as much as Luca? And so quickly. It was just a physical thing. It must be.
‘I don’t know what there is to talk about, Luca,’ she said, concentrating on her tea and on not looking at him. If she didn’t look at him it should theoretically be possible to keep her pulse rate within the normal range. ‘I’m not going to marry you.’
‘I’m not asking you to.’
Savage disappointment twisted her insides and she felt a lump building in her throat.
‘Right.’ She looked up at him and gave him a wobbly smile. ‘So you agree that our relationship is over…’
He frowned. ‘I agree to nothing of the sort,’ he said, stretching out a hand and smoothing a stray strand of blonde hair out of her eyes. ‘I merely said that I’m not asking you to marry me. Our relationship is very much alive.’
Her heart thudded against her rib cage. ‘We were wrong to get involved so quickly, Luca.’
When he was still involved with someone else.
He sighed and something like regret flickered across his face. ‘It’s true that we could have taken things slower…’
It was the nearest he’d ever come to admitting to her that their relationship had been a mistake.
‘Right,’ she said shakily, trying to ignore the feeling of sick disappointment that he hadn’t contradicted her. ‘Well, there’s nothing more to be said, is there?’
‘On the contrary, there’s plenty I need to say.’ He stood up abruptly and paced across the room to the window, his shoulders tense as he stared into the darkness.
He paused and then turned to face Tia, his expression serious. ‘I have thought carefully about what you said last night and I can see now that being in Italy wasn’t easy for you. I was working much of the time and I accept now that my family may not have been as supportive as they should have been. I intend to speak to them about that.’
Tia’s eyes widened. He was admitting that fault might have been on his side? For a man as autocratic and proud as Luca, that was quite an admission.
‘Let me finish.’ He turned to face her, a light frown touching his dark brows. ‘I’m sorry that you feel that I was never around, but there were certain factors which meant that I was at the hospital more than I would have liked.’
What factors? Luisa?
‘And what about the baby? How do you really feel about the baby?’ Her voice was little more than a croak and a smile pulled at his firm mouth.
‘We both know that we made that baby the first night we met, cara mia.’ His voice was suddenly soft. ‘And I bl
ame myself for that entirely. I should have had more control.’
Tia coloured. ‘I was there, too. And I still can’t believe I slept with you on the first night. I’d never—’ She broke off and looked away, cursing herself for being so honest. She’d never meant to tell him.
‘You’d never slept with a man before,’ he finished gently. ‘Did you really think I didn’t know that? I knew almost from the first moment I met you. You were very inexperienced and naïve. It was one of the reasons I was worried about you wandering the streets at night. You are very independent and feisty but also very innocent, and it shows.’
‘Oh.’ Tia stared at him stupidly. ‘I didn’t want to tell you.’
He’d been so sophisticated and self-confident, so unlike the men—boys—she usually met.
‘You are a stunningly beautiful girl, Tia, and there is an incredible attraction between us, otherwise perhaps I would have had the strength of will to take things more slowly. That night was unbelievably erotic,’ he murmured softly, his eyes wandering slowly over her flushed cheeks, ‘which is, of course, why we find ourselves in this position now.’
Her eyes moved warily to his and then slid away again. It was impossible not to be affected by Luca’s looks, she thought helplessly. It wasn’t just his eyes that reflected the raw nature of his masculinity, it was everything about him. The hard lines of his cheekbones, the dark shadow of his jawline.
She gave a small sigh, acknowledging the fact that no woman in her right mind would turn down the advances of a man like Luca. It was hardly surprising she’d lost all her morals and common sense. One look from those dark eyes and she’d been lost.
‘We— I suppose we both got carried away,’ she responded, and he gave a half-smile.
‘I think that’s probably a rather limp description of what happens between you and I, cara mia.’ His eyes dropped to her mouth and she felt her heart rate increase rapidly in response to his gaze. ‘I have a suggestion about our relationship.’
She licked dry lips. ‘What?’
‘You say that we got involved too quickly.’ His eyes returned to hers and held them. ‘That you don’t really know me.’
‘That’s right.’ Her voice was little more than a whisper. ‘The physical side just overwhelmed everything.’
Including common sense.
His eyes darkened slightly and she knew he was remembering just how good it had been between them.
‘You were very inexperienced so I can see how that might have been the case. So what I suggest,’ he said roughly, ‘is that we start again. Slow things down. Take time to get to know each other.’
She stared at him, her breathing rapid as she listened to him. He was seriously suggesting that they carry on their relationship?
What about Luisa?
‘I—I don’t know, Luca,’ she said, raking her hair away from her forehead with shaking fingers. ‘I need to think about it.’
‘There’s nothing to think about,’ he said smoothly, walking back across the room and standing in front of her. As always, he was supremely confident and sure of himself. ‘You yourself said that we don’t know each other well enough, so let’s put that right. Spending some time together will show us whether we can truly love each other or not. We owe it to our child to at least find that out.’
She winced at the cold brutality of his words. She already knew that he didn’t love her, of course, but hearing him spell it out hurt more than she possibly could have imagined.
‘Tia?’ His firm tone made her glance up and she realised that he was waiting for her to say something.
And she didn’t know what to say.
She loved Luca, she knew that, and she wanted to be with him, but not if he didn’t want to be with her. Not if he only wanted their relationship to work because of the baby.
She lifted her chin. ‘It wouldn’t work.’
A muscle worked in his jaw and he took a deep breath. ‘Think about it, Tia.’ He glanced at his watch. ‘You’ve had a long day and you need to get some more sleep now. Are you intending to work another early shift tomorrow?’
‘Yes.’ Tia nodded slowly, still trying to work out what she was going to do. She could ask him about Luisa, of course, but then she’d never know whether he would have told her himself given time.
‘I’ll take you to work,’ he told her, the expression in his eyes suggesting that he wasn’t going to take no for an answer.
‘All right.’ What choice did she have? Her bike was at the hospital.
His eyes narrowed. ‘Now, go upstairs and relax in a warm bath. You need an early night or you’ll be sick again.’
Too tired to argue, Tia slithered off the sofa and caught the blanket as it slipped to the floor.
‘Are you planning to spend the night here again?’
‘Of course.’ His brows clashed in a frown, as if he was surprised that she should even ask the question. ‘You’re expecting my baby and you don’t seem to be able to go through an entire day without vomiting and collapsing on me. There’s no way I’m leaving you on your own.’
She stared at him, knowing that she should insist that he leave, but somehow unable to form the words. Having him in the cottage with her was strangely reassuring.
And unsettling.
‘Well, if you’re staying another night, you can use the spare room,’ she said, knowing that she sounded ungracious but unable to help herself.
‘Your generosity is overwhelming,’ he drawled in response, but the corner of his firm mouth twitched slightly. ‘I’ll just remember not to stand up straight in the night or I’ll be the one who’s unconscious. The ceilings in this house are unbelievable. How tall is the average English man?’
Tia glanced at his powerful frame and then wished that she hadn’t. There was nothing average about Luca Zattoni. He was overwhelmingly male, and aware of his own sexuality.
‘Obviously the owner of this house wasn’t very tall,’ she said lamely, and he smiled. A slow, sexy grin that reminded her of all the reasons she’d fallen for him so heavily.
‘Either that or he had a permanent headache. Goodnight, cara. Sleep well.’
Tia had trouble concentrating at work next day. All she could think about was Luca. He just seemed to take it for granted that their relationship would carry on.
‘Is everything OK?’ Sharon looked at her with concern. ‘You’re terribly pale, Tia.’
Tia summoned up a smile. She’d been sick again that morning but, fortunately for her, Luca had obviously still been asleep because this time she had the bathroom to herself.
‘I’m fine,’ she lied. ‘Just a little tired. Where do you want me today?’
‘On Postnatal for the time being. They’re terribly busy, courtesy of all the deliveries yesterday.’ Sharon moved closer and lowered her voice. ‘Let’s grab a coffee later if we get the chance.’
They didn’t.
Tia didn’t stop all morning, moving from one woman to another, performing daily checks and helping with feeding.
Fiona Adams was doing well and looking forward to going home.
‘I’m just waiting for the paediatrician to come and check Megan,’ she told Tia with a smile. ‘Then we’re on our way.’
‘That’s great. And how’s the feeding going?’
‘Great. My milk has come in now and my boobs have trebled in size.’ Fiona fished out an enormous bra from her bag and waved it at Tia. ‘Look at that! Have you ever seen anything less sexy?’
Tia grinned. ‘Well, it’s not really designed to be sexy. It’s designed to be practical and give you support.’
Mike, Fiona’s husband, arrived at that moment, carrying a suitcase, and he laughed at the sight of the offending bra.
‘You always said you wanted plastic surgery, love—now you know that all you needed was a baby.’
‘All?’ Fiona pretended to look offended. ‘I’ll have you know that your “all” kept me awake for most of the night. Did you bring the car seat?’
> ‘Of course.’ Mike looked at her patiently. ‘Would I really have forgotten that? I couldn’t carry everything at once, so it’s still in the car.’
Fiona chewed her fingernails anxiously. ‘It will be funny, being at home. Who will I talk to when I have a problem?’
‘The community midwife will call until she’s happy that you’re fine and then there’s the health visitor,’ Tia told her, checking that she had all the telephone numbers. ‘And if it’s the middle of the night then you can always call us here.’
At that moment Megan woke up and started to yell.
‘No!’ Fiona stared at the baby, appalled. ‘She can’t possibly be hungry again! I’ve been feeding her for most of the night. She’ll pop.’
‘A breastfed baby doesn’t always feed at regular times,’ Tia reminded her, bending over the cot to scoop the baby up into her arms. ‘Sometimes it might feel as though they’re feeding non-stop, but don’t forget that they regulate their own milk supply. The more they feed, the more you produce, so if she starts feeding a lot then you know that you’re going to start making more for her.’
Fiona groaned. ‘Well, there’s no way I’m buying a bigger bra.’
‘You can’t. They don’t come any bigger than that one,’ Mike joked, his smile fading as he saw the expression on his wife’s face. ‘Sorry, sorry. You look great, love.’
Tia smiled and placed Megan gently in Fiona’s arms. ‘There you go.’
‘Thanks.’ Fiona’s eyes misted. ‘Look at that little nose.’
Mike bent over the pair of them and Tia made her excuses and left them in peace.
On her way out of the bay she bumped into Julie Douglas, the paediatric registrar.
‘Baby Adams…?’
‘In there…’ Tia waved a hand. ‘But they’re having a SFM at the moment so I’d go and have a cup of tea.’
‘SFM?’ Julie looked blank and Sharon grinned as she sailed past.
‘Soppy Family Moment. Definitely to be avoided,’ she advised, grabbing Tia by the arm. ‘Can you go and see how Dawn Henson is doing? The doctors are on their way round and last time I looked she was getting washed.’